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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Home - One of a Kind Chicago

Home - One of a Kind Chicago

Don't forget I'm at the One of a Kind Show (OOAK) December 2-5, 2010! More information in the upcoming weeks!   This is one of the items I'll be taking...

Fantasy Shopping Saturday with the Fire Diva's

I love the color purple... It's associated with both nobility and spirituality. The darker shades of purple suggest royalty and riches and the lighter shades evoke feelings of  romanticism and delicate beauty. Did you know that it was the favorite color of Queen Cleopatra???... and that during the Elizabethan period, who could wear the color purple was dictated by English Law!  Pick your favorite Purple glass beads from the Fire Diva's!  Have a purple-licious Saturday!

My beads

Janel Dudley Beads

Spawn of Flame



Ashlyn Designs
Holly's Folly Glass

Icarus Beads
Glass Bead
A. Houston

Monday, October 18, 2010

Miracles Do Happen!

The other day I told you that I was having a horrible show.  Well that came to end early Sunday morning. My first sale was 3...hear me 3 of my boro bracelets with the multi dangles to one repeat customer, and then her friend bought another boro bracelet!  WooHoo...  Shortly, thereafter, I got an order for a custom necklace at a hefty commission...and then the sales just kept coming!

Not only was my faith restored, rather quickly I might add, but that's when you see your friends in action. Lisa, my children's Godmother, and second longest running friend ( we met at age 15) came by with a plaque that said "Faith makes things possible, but it's not promised to be easy".  So true. And another plaques that said "Laugh" to remind me not to take things so seriously.  And to boot 2 really beautiful inspirational cards. Bonnie came on Sunday to help me breakdown. I'm her youngest sons Godmother.  And Denise, my newest friend just came to sit with me, know it would make me feel better.  She was such a surprise!  She was there 30 minutes before I actually got to the show.

In just one day everything did an about face.  Suddenly...  That's what my pastor always says.    Suddenly... On Sunday, suddenly, I made more than enough to make up for the prior 2 days, and  the extra bonus....I had 3 wonderful friends take the time to make me feel better.

Take a look at the custom necklace I sold....

This is the custom necklace.   Almost all of the components are made in my studio.  It's a collection of metal charms and lampwork bead dangles. What's really cool is that  I can customize the words to the individual.  It's part of a series I call "Girl Talk".  I developed this collection because so often we're mothers, wives, and daughters, always taking care of our loved ones.  Sometimes we need just a little extra encouragement.  The "Girl Talk" collection does just that using positive words and affirmations to lift up , encourage, and make an impact on those that wear the charms !

Have a great day!


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Give Back Sunday

Sundays are now going to be my  "Give Back Sunday".   Every week I will find somthing that will be marked down  25% - 50%  every Sunday throughout this year for 24 hours only. It'll be my way of saying thank you to all my wonderful customers and friends for continually supporting me, encouraging me, and let's be honest....buying from me!

So today, right now , all e-book tutorials ( I only have two right now, but more coming) will be marked down 50% until 8:30 am , Monday, October 18, 2010.

Big Lip Fish Tutorial

Wired Leaves and Beads Tutorial


Click the link below to see more of my items in my Etsy Shop.
http://www.uglyducklingbeads.etsy.com" target="_blank"> handmade lampwork beads</a>

Have a great day!
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

He's always with me...

Somebody forgot to cross their fingers for me, 'cause today I did horrible.  I can't remember the last time I've done so bad. And I mean really bad. The only comfort is that so many others did terrible today, so it wasn't me and it wasn't my work.  The promotion team did a great job of advertising. I've seen something about this show everywhere, TV ads , etc.  But for some reason the customers just didn't come out.  I wonder if it was because we have 2 major football games going today.  Football is big in SE Michigan. 

Anyway to get to my point. I was really mad at God today, I felt He let me down.  So much is happening in my personal life and then to have two horrible days at my show , I just felt He wasn't with me.  This coupled with everything that else that my family has gone through the last 6 years was just too much.  My nerves are raw and  I have  basically had enough.   I'm really mad at God . I know He's in control right? I do everything I'm supposed to do. I tithe, I attend church regularly, I work for the Bishop of my church in a volunteer capacity, I give to the poor, I try to treat everyone the way I want to be treated.  So why is this happening??? So I reminded Him...God I'm Kathleen , not JOB! remember?? And the last thing I said to Him was: This is it..I'm tired.... I GIVE UP!

Of course He always has the last word. OK, listen up because here's the important stuff.  So I just finished saying I give up..for me this means I don't want to open my bible, I don't want to pray, I don't want to talk to God.... Bad move.  Because I'm not in control. He is.  Anyway, those were my last words.  I was done, with a capital "D".

I decided to check my Etsy page to see if I had sold anything.  My phone opened to the home page where all the handpicked Treasuries are. Imagine my surprise when one of the featured treasuries was of a sign...just a sign..nothing else.  The sign said "Don't Give UP!" in bold red letters on a white  canvas. Treasuries rotate all the time.  The chance of this item coming up at the exact moment, right after my declaration is nothing short of a miracle.  Imagine...within 5 minutes, God answered me.  He let me know He heard my pain, and  felt my frustration.

I'm still mad, I still don't understand the reason for all these trials, but  He's listening, and He cares.  I am assured that whatever is going on, there's a reason and a blessing on the other side.  So in essence, I didn't really have a bad day, I had a great day!  So I will finish this show with a lighter heart. I won't expect much from it. What I will do is focus on my next endeavor.

My purpose for writing this is because maybe someone is feeling what I was feeling.  Maybe you feel God has forsaken you.  Hopefully my testimony will encourage you to believe that He's with you as well.  We don't always know the hows and whys.  We just have to trust in Him.  I know I do.


Checking In...


Today's my second day at the Great Lakes Art Fair.  I absolutely hate my location...uuuggghhh...., but love my booth neighbors.  Maybe I'll have a better day today.  Keep your fingers crossed  :)


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hump Day Yeaaaay!

I'm almost through this cloud of work!  I'll be able to breathe and relax just a little after the Great Lakes Fine Art Fair at the Rock Financial in Novi, Michigan.  Woo hoo!

Ladies, on Friday your $3.50 admission gets you a free glass of wine, champagne or specialty drink, plus an Andiamo gift card worth up to $500 (while supplies last).  Bring all your friends and treat yourselves to a night out filled with great art, luxurious spa treatments, a fashion show and more! But it's only for Ladies. Make sure you stop by to see me!

Today was pretty productive.  I listed a few items on Etsy, tweeted on Fire Diva, worked on my Fantasy Blog for Fire Divas.  I'll have a link here for it on Saturday morning. I just took over that responsibility so I'm a little nervous that it goes over well, and of course I'm so new at blogging period that it's all so uncomfortable.  But everyday it get a little bit easier.

Today I listed 1 of my Divas and a Floral tab bead.  Both would make wonderful pendants!

Copper Canyon Floral

 And the last thing to do today is attend the Preview  of "OUR TOWN' at the Birmingham Community House.    The evening includes strolling dinner, live music and the first opportunity to preview and purchase art.  Tickets are $200 for Benefactors (5:30 p.m. admission) and $75 ( 6 p.m. admission) for Friends. "Our Town".  Here are a couple of the things that were accepted via the jury process:

So cross your fingers , toes, and even eyes....I want to sell these, well maybe not the first one...its my only pattern!

Have a great day everyone!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Current Shows

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Friends in the News

Today I spent time trying to figure out Twitter. It actually looks like garbeled text to me! So now I need to figure out how to use it.  I've been told that it's great for promoting and just letting folks know what you're doing right now.  So most of the morning I spent looking around at people that were interesting and that I might want to follow and found this really cool article about one of my guild members.  Ann Arbor: Artisan Market Profile On Kristen Perkins Glass Jewelry   
Today is one of those day that Mr. Procrastination is really busy ! I need to be cleaning beads, pricing, and making jewlery for a gallery show  that also needs to be dropped off my Monday!   EEEE!KKK!  I can't imagine how i'm going to get it all done... 
Bead Bonanza 2010! Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's that time again, The Great Lake Beadworkers Guild "Fall Bead Bonanza" , this Sunday, October 10, 2010 from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm. For those of you not familiar, this event occurs twice a year - April and October. Held at the Southfield Municipal Complex Pavilion in Southfield, Mi at 26000 Evergreen Road, it's adjacent to the Southfield City and Police Offices. You'll find it very convenient to the I-96 expressway and the John C. Lodge Freeway. Exit at Evergreen Rd and go North. You can't miss it! This show is open to the public but you can still get wholesale prices with volume purchasing from some of the vendors. Parking is Free and Admission is only $4.00.

The tiger with wings belongs to Joy, the Island girl belongs to Denise, and the floral is mine..... The three of us make up Fire Foxes glass ( but we still have our own business).
My other obligation is to the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center...I'll post these pictures later.
Plus my pup has to go into the vet again..seems we go almost weekly, and the price of his meds are spiraling out of control.  Today it's his eyes, he has lost the capability to make tears and so has to use artificial ones.  The last 2 months we haven't been able to groom him because he won't let anyone touch him.  The vet has said they would do it for about $250, unbelievable! They want to know him out, to do the grooming, but won't guarantee he'll wake up.  So I'm not real anxious  about having that done...I'll probably try the old groomer, they seemed not to have any problems with him.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Today I Overcame Fear...

I have this strange fear of posting on forums and just the internet in general.  I'm sure it goes back to my fear of being judged by people who don't know me. Rational,... probably not! But real to me....   In August I made my first post here, but then the fear took over and I haven't posted since.... So today I am facing those fears head on. How? In short I joined a great group of  lampworkers called Fire Divas who  support each other in their day to day journey selling Lampwork beads and jewelry on the internet.  To be part of this group it is expected to post, post, and then post more.  My simplistic version, but in essence what they are doing is creating exposure and visibility on the internet for everyone on the team.  So not only will I be posting pictures of my stuff, but I'll also post pictures of their beautiful beads and jewelry!  And of course musings into my everyday life....I invite you take this journey with me!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The month of October is designated as Breast Cancer Awareness month.  To support the efforts of research I am donating 25% of all my Etsy sales in the month of October to the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.
"Whats In My My Garden" 2010    

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