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Sunday, March 25, 2012

And the winner of the "Copper Canyon" Giveaway is:    drumroll...............................

 Michelle Weigel!

Congratulations Michelle....your bead is in the mail tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Giveaway!

I couldn't wait for March to get here....No-- Not because it "comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" or because it's thought of as the "doorway to Spring" but because I get to finally do a Giveaway... and the plan is to have one monthly!

I'm a bit nervous, anxious , and giddy... all at the same time....I have tons of questions swirling in my head....Will you be interested in my "winning item"?, will you even want to participate....???

But I can' t sweat it... all I can do is jump in with both feet and test the waters!  There's an old African proverb that says " only a fool jumps in with both feet to test the water"... so I'm either a really big one or I have a lot of faith in you....so here goes...holding my nose, knees bent, and I'm Jumping.........

 And today you can win one of my most popular focal beads:  Copper Canyon...

Copper Canyon
Delicate crocus flowers, small background flowers, and sweeping vines trail this bead tabular bead. 24k gold foil on the base of the bead highlights and contrasts with the translucent flowers.

The vines are variegated browns on a sage green base. The flowers are "veined" with translucent white and clear. The small flowers are white with a yellow center.

This bead has been annealed in a digitally controlled kiln to ensure long life and durabilit

All my beads are handmade by me in my home studio. Each bead is digitally kiln annealed for strength and durability.

And it can be yours! Simply enter the giveaway via the form below :

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Electroforming...A Mini Introduction

Today is about plugging someone else's work. Shameless, unadulterated plugging...of a friend no less! ;-)

But... I'll be really brief (seems I've said that before!) But it's a really good product and I wanted to share my findings...

So in keeping with my resolution (blogging regularly), and because I was most anxious to share this information, I'm posting away....

One of the really fun things I do is electroforming some of my work...

To be clear... Electroforming is a bit different than electroplating. I could explain the process  the long way, with big words and scientific jargon and project I'm really bright,  but that's not me... I like simple, easy, and understandable-- with out having to pull the dictionary or reference material out...I want a taste of information...a clue....a tease! So here's my explanation in a nutshell--- in essence,electroforming is heavy duty plating.  Even more simple?....transferring copper molecules to another form using an electroforming solution, copper anodes, electro-cunductive paint, and a rectifier ( a machine using electric current).  Some of my work can take as long as 24 hours to completely get my desired results such as the heart to the left. What's really cool is that you can basically do anything that's non-porous, actually you can do porous objects as well, they just have to be treated and prepped properly..... ;-).

But here's the reason for my post, my shameless plug!

Recently I discovered 2 of my friends, Charlie and Margaret... are making rectifiers.  And the buzz in the S.E. Michigan area from other lampworkers ( that's me too!) is that they've produced a really great product!

Precision Current Supply Rectifier
Firedance Beads and Jewelry
Here are some basic features:
  1. Single adjustment to set current value
  2. No voltage adjustment required
  3. Minimal set up effort
  4. Bright red LED read out
  5. Current value remains constant within ± .01 amperes
  6. Short circuit protection is not required
  7. Designed  and made in the USA
  8. Engineered cooling system to extend life of the power supply
  9. Includes 2 test leads
 The vessel to abovet was done on the Precision Current Supply. Neat Huh????

The Island Girl  below was also done on the Precision Current Supply.
Firedance Beads and Jewelry

For more detailed information and product specification you can contact either Margaret, or Charlie  @ MSutherland100@yahoo.com or phone them at 1-248-437-5203.

See you next week!

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