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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Working with Resin

 I love working with Resin.  It has so many wonderful benefits and allows me the opportunity to experiment without worrying about cost.  Most of my materials are pretty inexpensive (I typically use Tierra Cast) or I make  a lot of my bezels myself.  There are so many elements that you can use to dress up and make unique expressions of your self. I've used rice ( yup the food kind ), mica powder, leaves, beads, decorative images, digital images that I make,.... you name it.... I've used it.

  A number of the classes I teach use resin as one of the basic techniques. This particular class I'm teaching at the Beadfest Spring Show April 2012. You can see other projects in the sidebar.

For those of you who would like to jump right in...there's always TierraCast products.   It's a quick and easy way to get fabulous results immediately!

These will be available in my shop later today

Here are suggestions/instructions by TierraCast to help you "ramp" up quickly and produce a quality resin project:
Images courtesy of TierraCast
 Print images on coated or presentation papers. Always check permanence of ink. Seal images with
clear tape or a spray fixative.
Images courtesy of TierraCast
Apply a thin layer of Super Glue (or similar) to glue images into frames to prevent glaze from seeping under the image.  For thick layers of glaze and/or doming effects use successive thin applications.

Images courtesy of TierraCast
 All products can slightly darken photos, printed images, papers and fabrics.  Watch for bubbles while drying and gently pop with  pin or small brush.  Humidity and temperature can affect dry times.
Images courtesy of TierraCast
When working with rivoli frames, press them into apiece of florist's foam (available at craft stores) orset in the grooves of a bead design board to holdthem level while they dry.

Flatback rhinestones can "flatten out" if submerge in glazes. Glue them on top instead!

Hope this has piqued  your curiosity!


  1. GOOD gracious that looks complicated! :/ Do you make the chains as well duckling?! The one in the second picture on the neck model??

  2. I really want to work with resin. Thanks for all the pointers!

  3. Love your blog post...wonderful creations! I would love to start another craft but hubby would have a stroke...lol

  4. Great project ideas. I love your work!

  5. Hmmm food for thought, I must add resin to my list of mediums I want to try. Thanks for sharing

  6. Cool stuff to know! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Amazing what you can create with the different materials. That necklace in the second picture is beautiful!

  8. Do not tempt me please!:)) (that means i'm very tempted!!) I'm already far from making clothing which is my main fascination! Oh there are so many wonderful crafts, I hope I get to experiment with resins.. sometime..!

  9. Wonderful article, Kathleen! And I'm totally drooling over your GORGEOUS necklace!! Good luck at your show and I hope your classes are all sold out! *Ü*

  10. WOW! What a fabulous necklace! It I still did beading and jewelry I would come and take your class!!!

  11. My husband would kill me if I started doing anything else besides quilting and sewing, guess I will just have to drool over what you guys create :)

  12. ♥ So Lovely Post !!! Definitely feed our curiousness :)

  13. I have a bunch of product but haven't used it. I need to get busy. One more goal. LOL

  14. That necklace is amazing! Great ideas, definitely has me thinking. *SIGH* I can't start more projects LOL


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