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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Meet Christi Clothier!

I've been saving this post just for this week! I got lucky enough to get into the Bead Soup Blog Party. This fabulous event is hosted by Lori Anderson of  Pretty Things Blog.  I am so thankful for all the work Lori  and some of her helpers have done to make this event possible.  It's a major undertaking.  I can't imagine the hours she's spent pulling this together.

You on the other hand get to see some fabulous creations made by participants.  There's work for you too of course!  You get to do all the blog hopping (I'll post a list of all the participants!  ON September 17) and get the chance to see some fabulous pieces made by those participating. But Patience....today is just the first step..

And now of  most importance,I want to introduce my partner...Christi Clothier of "2 If By Sea" Blog....

Christi sent me this fabulous set of beads to work with....My challenge??? To turn them into something  fabulous! Definitely not tooooo hard...I've got a great palette to work with... LOL

I absolutely love the beads and get a load of that clasp!  Too cool huh!?!

So here's the skinny on Christi...

Not only is she a talented jewelry artist, but she's an accomplished author as well...I am in awe of the number of her pieces that have been published! Take a look at the different magazines she's been featured in....


  1. Oh Kathleen, those are simply gorgeous beads, but I'm partial to dark blue/navy...I can't wait to see what you create with them...

  2. Can't wait to see what you make, and I love Christi's work that you've shown.

  3. Beautiful work from such great artists. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great feature! Glad to know more about her shop:)

  5. how awesome ..i love it


  6. Your blog challenge sound very interesting! I can't wait to see what you great with your beads!

  7. Oh, it sounds like so much fun. Can't wait to see your final piece. Sounds like your partner Christi is amazingly talented. Be sure to show us more!!!

  8. She does wonderful work. I love it. You'll need to show us what you make with the things she sent.

  9. I love Christi's style - very boho chic!!!


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