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Friday, August 27, 2010

Ugly Duckling Beads

In case you don't know who I am, my name is Kathleen Robinson Young.  I'm one of 3 lampwork artists under the umbrella: FireFoxes Glass.  And if that doesn't help you to know who I am, then you might know me under the following names, Kollectibles by Kathleen, Kathleen Young Designs, or Burning Bead Glass. Confused??? Not to worry , I'll clear it up...Kollectibles by Kathleen was the name of a store I owned in Berkley, Michigan from 2003 to 2007, that part of my business doesn't actually exist anymore.  Burning Bead is the name that I use for by retail bead shows and my Fine Art Fairs, and Firefoxes Glass is the name I go under when I do shows with two of my buddies, Denise Billups-Walker (Firedance Glass) and Joy Cichewicz ( Works of Joy). And the newest name?  Ugly Duckling Beads is what I am using for my Etsy business.  Eventually, they will all come under the same umbrella, but for now it's easier for me to track the different customers and sales applicable if they are independent of each other. As for Kathleen Young Designs, that was my high end jewelry line on-line, except I never put any pictures on the website...it was a beautiful website, but way too difficult for me to manage.. so I let it go.

Now that you have a fairly good idea of who I am ,the question begs exactly what will I put in this blog.   I'm not a fan of random thoughts or idle chit-chat. I like blogs that offer amusing stories, helpful information, encouragement, and of course information about  beads, shows, and  new tutorials available,... that includes mine as well (shameless plug!)

Bead News

I just returned from Beadfest Philly, where I taught 2 classes, a wire class called "Wired Leaves and Beads" and a lampwork class titled "Flora and Fauna". I was pretty pleased with the outcome of both classes, although I have some changes to the wire class that I think will improve the students experience the next time I teach  (which will be in Santa Fe, NM  in March, 2011 at Beadfest, Santa Fe).  The tutorials can be found on my Etsy site.  If you purchase, I welcome any comments that would help to make the tutorials even better.  They're both pretty detailed with large color photos and  detailed step by step directions.  I've gotten feedback from my Beadfest students that they were easy to follow and really cool!  So I'm pleased about them.  This was my first time offering tutorials as part of a class, and I wasn't sure how well they would be received. Since they were received so well, guess I'll keep doing them....

Food News

I do silly things sometimes, like not going to the doctor 'cause I don't want him to fuss about my weight gain.  So my plan is always to show some weight loss when I go. Doc messed up my plan this time!  I needed a new prescription for my Advair and another prescription, but doc refused to refill until I came in..Crap!  here comes the lecture...but i was mildly surprised when I got off the scale yesterday in his office... I had dropped 15lbs! I have to attribute it to changing some of my eating patterns and consistent walking.  I walk at least 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes...a leisurely walk while i listen to slacker radio and my favorite downloaded artists...and the change in food?....spiced up condiments to help me eat more salads and more veggies.... I found these recipes on a web site...check them out below:

August 13, 2010
    When you’re nearly to the bottom of the jar, think twice before you toss out a condiment—with the addition of an unexpected spice or sauce you likely have on hand, you can create bold new dips, sandwich spreads and more, perfect for summertime cuisine.

  • Add pesto: Blend 2 tablespoons of pesto into a cup of mayonnaise for delicious, Italian-style flavor. It’s yummy on your average turkey sandwich, or as a spread for a tomato and mozzarella panini.
  • Add lemon juice & sea salt: Create bright, clean flavor when you squeeze a quarter of a lemon into a cup of mayo, plus a dash of sea salt. We love it on white fish, or as a dip for homemade French fries!
Tip: To prevent the citrus seeds from falling into your mixture, hold your lemon skin-side down as you squeeze.
  • Add garlic: Spice up your next cookout by serving garlic mayonnaise alongside your burgers and grilled chicken sandwiches in an old-fashioned squirt bottle. A teaspoon of minced garlic is all you need for 1 cup of mayonnaise.

  • Add curry: It’s a strong, savory herb, so use it sparingly—just a pinch will add exotic layers of flavor to 1 cup of tomato ketchup.
  • Add barbecue sauce: Combine two classics and create a new condiment favorite! Whether you have a cup left or an entire bottle, mix ketchup with equal parts barbecue sauce and enjoy.
  • Add rosemary: Like mustard, rosemary has a slightly bitter, aromatic quality, making the two perfect mates. For a gourmet sandwich spread, add 1 teaspoon chopped rosemary to 1/2 cup of Dijon mustard.
Tip: Don’t bother plucking each rosemary sprig off its stem—instead, gently pinch your fingers and pull backwards down the steam to easily remove them.

  • Add applesauce: For Dijon or coarse-grain mustard, try mixing in a few spoonfuls of cinnamon applesauce. The unlikely ingredients combine to create a sweet, tangy sauce that’s delicious on pork and chicken.
  • Add berries: With a bit of butter and a few leftover berries, you can make something truly special. Drop a few berries into softened butter, then mash together. We love blueberry butter on a whole grain bagel or blackberry butter on toast.
  • Add honey: A few drops of honey can give butter a whole new attitude—experience something heavenly when you melt it on just-baked bread.
Sour Cream
  • Add cilantro: This fresh, leafy herb has bold, distinct flavor, so sprinkle just 1/2 teaspoon of chopped cilantro into a cup of sour cream to instantly dress up fajitas or a taco salad.
  • Add chipotle peppers: Look for canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce at your local grocery—they have spicy, smoky flavor, so finely chop the peppers, then add 1/8 teaspoon to a cup of sour cream. Yum!

Hope these help you as well....they really worked for me...Spiced things up so I could eat boiled chicken ( I used a couple of the condiments as a sauce ), salads with exotic flavors, and veggies that tasted gourmet...all of which made the eating more enjoyable, and filling......

I really need to call it a night.  I have a class I'm teaching first thing in the morning, and I still have to write material lists!  Yiikes....!!

Have a great Friday!

Sterling Silver Price Market

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