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Saturday, February 26, 2011

February Challenge Winner

We have a winner for the February Challenge! The entry chosen for the theme Ice Ice Baby was

Entry #2:

Congratulations Judith!
And lets look at our other entries one more time:

Entry #5 by Amy: http://www.amysimsdesigns.com

Entry #1 by Lara: http://www.lutrick.etsy.com

Thanks for voting!
Here's a great treasury  on Etsy that I was in today.   I love the muted greens and blues!  Make sure to check out the curators works as well.... you can find her work here at 6catsart...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bead of the Day 2-25-11

Check out this Silvered Glass Big Hole Bead from Fire 'n Sand! I really like the blue purple colors and the iridescent natures of this glass. It is just lovely.
Fire 'n Sand is participating in our Bead of the Day Project, you will get free shipping on this item if you purchase it within the next 24 hours.


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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ask A Fire Diva

Ask the Fire Divas Question For February

This months question was "What is the most challenging part of working with glass?"

This is really a good question because this answer is a little bit different for each of us. One person's strength may be another persons weakness! Here are some of the answers from our lampworkers:

Amy Sims of Amy Sims Designs says "Deciding which colors to use, lol! Seriously, though, learning how the different colors react with each other is difficult, and takes a lot of practice. Explaining to a customer that I can't do "that bead" in a different color scheme because of the way the colors react or don't react is sometimes a challenge."

Lara Lutrick of
Lutrick (Lampwork Beads and Jewelry by Lara) "For me it is trying to be patient and not force the glass. I'll try to move the glass or create a design when it is too cold and break the release. Also, I'll super heat it and get discoloration and burnt areas if I'm not careful. Glass will do what it is going to do."

Kathleen Robinson-Young of Ugly Duckling Beads says, "For me it's getting colors to have the same impact and intensity they have when working them in the flame. In the flame my colors seem to blend and play together well. Then the magic moment comes to see what they look like after a night in the kiln, and all I see is a design made with lackluster colors on a murky base that doesn't look anything like the rods I used. But some good comes out of it.... usually I can figure out what colors to use the next time to get the effect I want."

Lori Bergmann of AshlynDesign says, "
One of my challenges is figuring out the chemistry of how different colors and silver glass work together, and trying to get consistent results. You never quite know what you'll get because each time you sit down to torch there are so many variables like weather, flame fuel mix, color batch, etc. that can affect the design."

As for m
e, SilverRiverGlassWorks one of my biggest challenges is taking the endless possibilities and narrowing them down enough to have a starting point every time I sit down to torch. There are so many possibilities and directions each torching session could take that sometimes I can't decide where to start and what to focus on!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One World One Heart 2011- Winners

One World One Heart 2011 - Winners

The final blog hop of One World One Heart has come to a close. It took us a while to get in touch with all the winners of the Diva's gorgeous giveaways. Come along and visit the blogs of our lucky winners.

The blog hop was hosted by Lisa at  A Whimsical Bohemian. Lisa does have some BIG news about her plans for next year... yes folks,  Lisa isn't giving up on the blog hop format but is making it's focus more art related. Since the Divas are all passionate about our art, you can be sure we'll be jumping on that bandwagon! Now to the prizes.

Judith Billig of Icarus Beads' treasure pendant is winging its way to Germany  to the home of a talented jewelry maker. Stefanie's blog focuses on her beautiful jewelry designs!

Rosemarie of Spawn of Flame is sending her a Glass Lampwork Pendant to Sam of Everheart Quilts in Alaska. Sam makes some amazing quilts and features her art and life on her blog.

Barb of River's Edge Glass is shipping her etched glass bead pendant to Carol in Tennessee. Her blog, A Stitch Across the Border, focuses on hand sewing and cross stitching.

 This off mandrel heart by Holly Dare of HollysFolly Glass is traveling quite far to Australia to Liv of Liv Loves Scraps.

This one is mine.. the bottom piece comes off and you can change your bead.  Cool huh?

Be sure to check out the Diva's that  hosted individual giveaways on our own personal blogs! We've sure made a lot of friends and discovered a lot of cool blogs. We hope some of you got to visit some new fun and creative blogs too.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A few Tucson Pictures

Our Booth Setup.  We were actually sharing a double  tent with other beadmakers from Lansing Michigan.  Michigan was in the house!
I'm finally around to posting a couple of pictures of our trip to the Best Bead Show in Tucson...  I was there with my FireFoxes friends and although the weather was really cold, it gave us an opportunity to spend some quality time with each other!  We have officially inducted Joy's husband Ricky into our little group, since he was always there to help with opening the tent, running errands, and just making life a bit easier!  Thanks Ricky!

Frozen water fountain  

Believe it or not, this is an actual picture of a water fountain in front of the Hotel across the street from our hotel.  It was so cold the water actually was frozen in the fountain!  Really pretty , but so very cold!

This is Joy....on most of the days it was cold enough to toast Marshmallows.... it was a great conversation starter, but everyone shot inside right after toasting them :).....Hopefully better weather next year....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Better Late than Never! Valentines Day on Feb. 20

The last few days I've been struggling with the after effects of an Asthma attack I had last week.  Every day it's been one thing after another in my recuperation... nausea from the antibiotics which wiped me out for a complete day, the continual coughing, and the return of the cold I picked up just prior to leaving for Tucson. And just one more thank you...to Lori B of the Fire Divas who has been checking on me regularly and Lara Lutrick who did the Saturday Fantasy Shopping Blog for me that I do for the Fire Divas. You can see some of their work below.... and to see other Divas' work click here!

Lara Lutrick
Ashlyn Designs

It's 6:45pm, Michigan time, that's Eastern time zone, and I'm finally feeling a little like myself, my head hasn't been plugged into the toilet for a few hours now, and I'm breathing fresher air (no pun intended!).  A big thanks and lots of love to my daughter Rhyanne, my husband Ronnie, my dear friend Lisa, and my other daughter Areva, who are always there to help out and make you feel better!

So what does this have to do with better late than never?? Nothing really...just a reason why I'm so late posting my Valentine pictures!  These were to be posted way last week, but as the title suggests Better Late than Never!

Two of my Electroformed weeping hearts.  I love working with the electroforming, but hate the time it takes me to set up my electroforming station. I took this class several years ago from Anne Davis, who is a wonderful teacher!

 I love doing florals although I never feel my pictures are really good..seems all the details get lost as soon as you enlarge the photos.
One more floral
 More florals.....

Hopefully tomorrow, I'll have these up on etsy......

Right now I'm going back to bed :)

Sterling Silver Price Market

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