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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

I don't know where I heard "Wordless Wednesday" before, but it was so appropriate and timely for me today.  For the life of me, I can't think of much to say.  My friends would say "You're kidding!"  And yes I always have something to say.... ;-)

So today I'll let my work speak for me! (lazy huh?). Yup it is....But today I'll wear the "lazy" moniker with pride.  Maybe I'll even convince you that it really isn't "lazy" just "show and tell".  That sounds good!  If I say it enough it'll be real... Show and Tell, ,....Show and Tell.... Show and Tell!

Soooo here goes.....

Welcome to my Show and Tell.  I'm on a mission to get 100 items in my shop no later than November 10th of this year.  I'm more than half way there, only 46 more items to go! ;-)

Here's the newest Lampwork listed on my Etsy site.

Enchanted Garden

Dazzling Dangles

Organic or Floral
The Back of "Organic of Floral"

And my newest Digital Collage Sheets.... I have some really Cool Specials for buying multiple Collage sheets....

Angels #1

Christmas #1
The Way We Were #2

Art Nouveau "Vintage Perfume Labels"

I guess I wasn't so wordless after all! Stayed tuned... Stay with me as I countdown to100 items!  Of course I have to have a celebration!  Will keep you posted on that idea as well...... ;-)


  1. uniquecozytreasures- Nice work! Good luck on getting your items listed. I need to do the same. Christmas shopping is coming up.

  2. sometimes pictures speak louder than words ;)

  3. Beautiful beads and collage sheets. Good luck on reaching your goal of 100 items!

  4. Good luck on hitting 100! That was my goal for a while, then I got there and split into 4 different shops! So, now I'm back on the goal wagon. New goal: 50 items in each jewelry shop; 15 in the clutch shop. I've got a LONG ways to go:)

  5. I just love those beads on the dazzeling dangels. Beautiful

  6. Wow - I just love your work. Good luck getting your 100 items posted & listed. It's a great goal...but once you reach it, WATCH OUT....then you'll be like me, challenging yourself to keep creating. I like to have over 350 items in my store at all times....Now I'm trying to reach 400. LOL!

  7. your beads just leave me breathless! I can stare and stare:)) always curious what you make next:)


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