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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fantasy Shopping Saturday with the Fire Divas!

I love color!  Bright bold colors, soft muted neutrals, rich gemstone colors.... you name it... I like it.  Except for one color... Red. It's just an "OK" color to be used as a complement in a color scheme. I think it goes back to my childhood.  The first shoes I remember wearing were bright, shiny, red patent leather shoes, with a baby doll strap. I wore a white dress with big red polka dots and a red straw hat.  Waaay too much red! So imagine my surprise today when I chose red as the theme for my "Fantasy Shopping Saturday". As I was searching for beads, it just kept popping up... talking to me! Pick me, pick me... And so I did.  Today I'm seeing the color red differently.  It's bold, it commands attention, its exciting, and it exudes passion! So check out the red glass beads I found in the Fire Divas Etsy and Artfire shops. Wouldn't you just love to own one of these?!?

Susan Lambert
Giapet (Karen Klomparens)
RightTurnArtWerks ( Sharon Driscoll)
Uvanomos (Lluvia Brito)
SpawnofFlame (Rosmarie Hanus)
Icarusbeads (Judith Billig)
FenG (Christina Stofmeel)
HollysFollyGlass (Holly Dare)
Lutrick (Lara Lutrick)
SilverRiverGlassWork (Sonja McClung)
RiversEdgeGlass (Barb Reed)
BabsBeadsandDesign (Susanne Folin)
UglyDucklingBeads (Kathleen Robinson Young)
I know the following are not red...but they were so pretty I had to include them anyway! :-)

SunDoorBeads ( Michelle Viezaga)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fantasy Shopping Saturday with the Fire Divas

I have writers block! In no uncertain terms.... So this week when contemplating what to write about for Fantasy Shopping Saturday, I was motivated to research the month of April. What did I findout?...The Romans called the month Aprilis, which was derived from the  Latin word aperire, which means "to open", referring to the opening of flowers in the month of April. Small animals come out of hibernation..., birds fly "northward"  to start families, and bees and butterflies begin to bounce from flower to flower gathering nectar. And so now I have something to write about....spring colors, budding flowers, things that reflect the organic side of nature. How does this relate to the Fire Divas?  I can find some part of "April" in all of their beads! ;-).  Join me! Pick your favorites! Shop! and shop some more....

Gia Pet ( Karen Komplarens)

AbbieLyn (Abigail Castagnaro)

Ashlyn Design  (Lori Bergmann)
Sun Door Beads ( Michelle Veizaga)
Lutrick ( Lara Lutrick)
Holly's Folly Glass (Holly Dare)
Uvanomos ( Lluvia Brito)
FenG (Christina Stofmeel)
Amy Sims Design
Right Turn Art Werks (Sharon Driscoll)
Rivers Edge Glass (Barb Reed)
Spawn of Flame ( Rosmarie Hanus)
Silver River Glass Works (Sonja McClung)
Susan Lambert
Ugly Duckling Beads - Kathleen Robinson-Young
Shepherd Creations - Patrice Shepherd
Babs Beads and Design - Susanne Folin

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is it really time for Treasury Tuesday???!!!

OMG... I can't believe I haven't posted since March 26! Almost a month!

I've been sooooo busy! Had 3 shows in the last few weeks , Bead Bonanza, given by the our local bead guild (Great Lakes Bead Guild), Interweave Beadfest Wire (King of Prussia, PA), and the Great Lake Art Fair in Novi, Michigan. I'm absolutely wiped out. Two weeks to rest and then another show in Chelsea Michigan.

But on to what today is supposed to be. Several weeks ago I decided this was to be Treasury Tuesday. Pretty obvious I didn't get to do one today, but I promise to do one tomorrow. I actually like doing them... It's fun looking at other artist work and promoting them for everyone one else to see. Alas, all is not lost....I'll do a personal one of beads I sold at the Beadfest Wire show.... Hope you enjoy!

These were one of the first sets I sold. I'm looking forward to seeing what the buyer will do with them... She promised to send me a picture.

These are borosilicate glass.  I love the colors I get out of these. These are part of my "Element " series. They typically sell out pretty fast.  If only all the others styles I do... did the same :-)

 Kinda' funky huh!???

These are borosilicate as well.... but more of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get)

And just because this is supposed to be Treasury Tuesday here are pics from one of the galleries that I am in.  I work here  (State of Mind Gallery, in Northville, Michigan) on Mondays so I get to drool over all the work by the various artists!  So much fun.....

 These colors are gorgeous..I would love to capture these in glass...

 And can you see these on a bead......mmmmm, mmmm, mmmm  I love it!

 And .... can you tell my love for flowers?????  These are so cool to see from the inside...

 and of course a bit of shameless "plugging" for me.... in the gallery in my cabinet......

These are on my list to purchase... they're made by Ro Lambert the owner of the gallery

Jeez o Pete... It's 1:45AM.... I have to get up at 6:30 to take the grandbaby to school... ok , he's not really a baby...we're looking forward to his seventh birthday next month!

Have a great Wednesday!

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