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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fire Diva's On A Mission!

 Fire Divas on a Mission!

The Fire Diva's are on a mission! ! For the next two weeks the members of the Divas will be in a sort of Handmade Marathon. We are competing in Handmadeology's Handmade Top 10 Etsy Team Challenge. The prize for the team with the most points in the judging categories will win $450.00 worth of marketing advertising! We love a good race and competition and showing all of our fans what the Divas are made of!

Starting today, we will be adding our creative works of glass art to our official "Fire Divas Team" Handmade Top 10 List HERE. We will continue to add listings every day until the end of the challenge period. So you the fans will serve as the Divas Cheerleaders! Your mission: vote, vote, vote! And in appreciation for your time and support, there will be special prizes awarded at the end of the two weeks to FIVE (5) of our lucky fans!!!! You can be entered in a random drawing for one of these prizes by:

1) Leaving one comment entry after this post for each day that you've voted for our team listings (only ONE comment PER day for voting, no matter how many times you've voted during that day), and

2) Leaving a separate comment for doing any of these functions to help spread the word: putting the Fire Divas Team List link (http://handmadetop10.com/#/Lists/66ofcjn94) on your blog, Facebook, fan page, Twitter, or website. Please make sure to include the link to your site to show where you helped promote our list in with your comment. For doing any of these things, you need to enter them as separate comments (and thus, increase your chances of winning!). But please only post ONE comment PER function, even if, for example, you've posted to your Facebook page several times during the competition.

You can vote as often as you like and even multiple times for the same items on the same day (using the "next" button to scroll through all our listings), and we hope you think all our entries are "10s"?! *Ü* And the more you vote and post about us through social media sites, the more chances you'll get to win some super prizes from the Fire Divas! Simply click on the orange title bar below to start voting.

This is the time to get out your Pom-Poms and show the Divas how much love you have for our awesome team of glass girls!!!!  


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fairy Tales ~ June's Monthly Challenge

Fire Divas Monthly Lampwork Challenge is ....."Fairy Tales"!

This was just too cute and I had to share...the post was originally written by Abigail one  of the Divas... so I guess I'm ok lifting it since I'm a fire Diva as well!   ;-)  ... check it out....vote, and let us know which one is your favorite.... I voted but it was really hard to choose a favorite!

"Fairy Tales" Monthly Themed Lampwork Challenge!

It's time for another fabulous Monthly Challenge from the Fire Divas! (Last month was dedicated to raising money and donations to the Beads of Courage program that strives to put a smile on the face of very little girl and boy undergoing cancer.) The theme of this month's June challenge will be "Fairy Tales!" Below are entries from the Divas and, as I'm sure you can tell, it's going to one tough pick.

Because we so greatly value our loyal fans and customers, we would love for YOU to choose your favorite piece by voting in our special poll. After you're done voting, make sure to leave a comment and you'll be entered to win a great prize from one of the Fire Divas! 

*** The poll closes on Monday, June 20th, and the winning bead and blog comment post will be announced that following Tuesday. ***

You can click on any of these photos to see a larger, detailed view of these beautiful pieces. The voting poll is located at the upper right corner of our blog page and you're more than welcome to help us spread the word about this fun event!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Nosey Tidbits on the Fire Divas!

Today I cheated!  not on the hubby... not on a test.... but on writing my blog.   Today's blog is being borrowed from the Fire Divas!  Michelle Viezaga writes our gossip column on Sundays... and I thought you might be interested.  I know I'm always interested in what my lampwork buddies are doing.   We're pretty much all ove the country, and outside of the United States... so her column keeps me up to date!  So here goes......


As the days get longer we can't help but get caught up in the lazy days of summer! We have though here at the Divas been hard at work with our projects and glass endeavors.

I am pleased to announce that our Beads Of Courage Auction was a great success and we raised $107.50! This money is going to help out these wonderful children and wonderful cause! A HUGE Thank you to all the Divas who made this possible and the generous bidder who found it in their heart to give! These beads will have a lasting, loving home for sure!

Thank you Divas who kept blogging, tweeting, and facebooking this amazing auction!!!

So what have our other Divas been up to????

Well Holly Dare of Holly's Folly Glass has shed some great light on 104 glass! I want to spill the beads (I mean beans) but I won't you will just have to take a looksie for yourself and see the amazing picture that shows us all- each color is not created equal!

Lori Bergmann of Ashlyn Design got a chance to do a little celebrating by announcing the winner of her Bead Trends Giveaway Contest. She was able to send a little birthday happiness to the winner of the giveaway! Check out her blog for all the great info and for a link back to the Bead Trends Issue that Lori was in!

I think one of my favorite blogs to read is Sharon Driscoll's of Right Turn Artwerks! She has a little bit of everything from life, glass, and her metalsmithing journey. I love seeing the next new thing she is cooking up and this post is no exception! Check out the lovely, gorgeous dangle earrings that she created! This post was such a great read!

I am happy to say that this Sunday will be filled with great little tidbits from our Divas, a couple of cool glasses of homemade lemonade and maybe a little time at the torch! I hope you enjoy your Sunday with whatever wonderful summer plans you might have! Till next week!!

Best Bead Baltimore... Here We Come!

Just in case you didn't know I belong to 2 fabulous Lampwork groups, the Fire Divas, and Fire Foxes. Fire Divas is the online group I belong to... we spend most of our time promoting each other and showcasing fabulous beads by the members. We live in different parts of the United States, the Netherlands, Canada, and the U.K.

On the other hand, I'm part of a local group (only 3 of us ;-) ) who travel and do bead shows together. We call ourselves the "Fire Foxes". Seems I can't get away without a name using fire! But to get to my point. If you happen to be anywhere near Hunt Valley, MD ( it's real close to Baltimore)... stop in and visit the show. All three of us will be there, although Joy and I will be in and out teaching classes. Most likely you'll be able to find Denise easier....she'll be holding down the fort and having fun meeting all the interesting designers and shoppers. I'm so envious.....
At the bottom of this post are the classes Joy and I are teaching....we'd love to have you in class!
See you in Baltimore... ( I mean Hunt Valley)
! :-)

Our booth is in the ballroom, number 306. Look for us there.

Go to Relief Lampwork Flowers Class Details
Relief Lampwork Flowers
Best Bead Show-Baltimore
6/25/11 2:30 PM

Go to Perfectly Twisted Wire Earrings Class Details
Perfectly Twisted Wire Earrings
Best Bead Show-Baltimore
6/25/11 10:30 AM
All Levels

Go to Wired Beads and Leaves- Copper & Sterling Silver Class Details
Wired Beads and Leaves- Copper & Sterling Silver (same class, different pricing for copper vs silver)
Best Bead Show-Baltimore (different pricing for copper vs silver)
6/26/11 1:30 PM
All Levels

Joy is teaching the zigzag bracelet and a 3 hour animal print lampwork bead class.   LINK: http://www.bestbeadshow.com/ClassInstructors/Instructor.aspx?id=45

Go to ZigZag Bracelet Class Details
ZigZag Bracelet
Best Bead Show-Baltimore
6/26/11 10:00 AM
All Level
Go to Wild Safari Beads Class Details
Wild Safari Beads
Best Bead Show-Baltimore
6/25/11 10:00 AM
More details coming soon....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fantasy Shopping Saturday with the Fire Divas

Today is my day for showcasing my friendsEverything is perfect.!  It's Saturday....The sun is out... it's a beautiful 80 degrees.  There's nothing on my "To Do" list except to "chill" with a capital "C", or do whatever I feel like doing today!  What I want to do most? Browse the shops of the Fire Divas. I find traveling from shop to shop, an adventure. On a daily basis I can find all sorts of goodies,....whimsical characters, beautiful serene nature, fun and funky, and, dots and swirls.  I could go on, and on....but instead of talking about them, how about a taste of what you'll find in their shops? Follow me....and then check them out on your own.  I guarantee you...you won't be disappointed!

Bab's Beads and Design
Kitty Lampwork
Holly's Folly Glass
Shepherd Creations
Ashlyn Design
Susan Lambert
Right Turn Art Werks

Rivers Edge Glass
Icarus Beads
FenG Beads
Silver River Glasswork
Spawn of Flame
Sun Door Beads
Ugly Duckling Beads

 And don't forget to visit my other friends Denise and Joy at Fire Foxes Glass. I'm one of the members there too, :0

 Fire Dance Lampwork Beads

And look Joys next week!

Sterling Silver Price Market

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