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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Shop with the Fire Divas

Shopping....  I love it.  I could shop everyday...all day. But don't you just hate the long lines, and all that comes with mall shopping? Especially this time of year. My idea of a great shopping experience?  No long lines, a large selection to choose from, shopping at my convenience 24/7, no traffic congestion, and best yet, shopping from the comfort of my home, wrapped in a Snuggie with hot cider and donuts nearby. Mmmmmm...  All this is possible with the Fire Divas! Grab your computer, search for your favorite item, order it, and have it delivered to your door step hassle free! Here's a link to the different Sales and Promotions.  Happy shopping!

Susan Lambert
Ashlyn Designs    
A. Houston
Icarus Beads 
Hollys Folly Glass
Crafty Clare
Lara Lutrick
Janel Dudley Beads
LA Jewelry Designs

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale!

The Fire Divas are having a Sale!  Black Friday/Cyber Monday...

Looking for a great deal on handmade artisan beads?  Look no further, the Fire Divas are having a sale! New items are being added daily so make sure you check out these shops daily....

Happy shopping!

1) Holly - 20% off my shop http://Hollysfolly.com/ or Artfire shop http://www.artfire.com/users/HollysFollyGlass or my Etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop/HollysFollyGlass - use coupon code THANKFUL upon check out. Addition savings for fans.

2) Lori - 10% off my Etsy http://www.ashlyndesign.etsy.com/ and ArtFire http://www.artfire.com/users/AshlynDesign shops from Friday to Monday

3) Kathleen -10% off http://www.etsy.com/shop/UglyDucklingBeads

4.)Sonja-10% off http://www.etsy.com/shop/SilverRiverGlassWork and http://www.artfire.com/users/SilverRiverGlassWorks

5) - Lara - 10% off at Artfire and Etsy + free shipping
and http://www.etsy.com/shop/Lutrick

6) Janel 20% off at Etsy from Friday to Monday http://www.etsy.com/shop/JanelDudleyBeads

7) Patrice - 20% off my ArtFire shop: http://www.artfire.com/users/shepherdcreations : Use coupon "FIREDIVASTHANKSGIVING2010"

8)Barb - 15% off on my AF shop from Friday-monday http://www.artfire.com/users/riversedgeglass
9) Melanie - 20% off on ArtFire http://arensea.artfire.com/ or Etsy http://arensea.etsy.com/

10)Amy 20% off on ArtFire shop coupon code TURKEY: http://www.artfire.com/users/AmySimsDesigns

11) Theresa - Free shipping on all items in my Artfire shop until Monday:http://www.artfire.com/users/teasebeads

12) Lea - 20% off my Artfire http://www.artfire.com/users/LAJewelryDesignsand Etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop/LAJewelryDesigns from Friday to Monday - use coupon code HAPPYTHANKSGIVING upon check out.
13) Karen - Friday - Monday, 10% off in both shops, http://www.etsy.com/shop/giapet and http://www.artfire.com/users/Fire-n-Sand

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm in love with collage!

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted! But I've been getting ready for th holidays,...4 galleries, one major show in chicago, and getting new stuff on etsy...I've awfully remiss on getting new things up.

I've worked doing some collage work off and on for a number of years, but never felt really good about my work. It was ok, but it was missing what I call original work. I would find lovely papers, and images,...but they weren't mine. Don't get me wrong, I didn't use other work without permission, but I used a lot of artist papers and free or purchased clip art. But now.....(drum roll)....I"m doing my own painting of images and feeling really pleased with my work...

Here are some of the images....

 In both images only the flowers were not done by me.  Just a taste of what I'm doing.  Those are acutally napkin flowers!
These are the bezels they will go into.....Still need some work. these are just the first phase .  Still have to do more patina work, and finishing touches.

Off to complete the rest of my work!  Don't for get to check out the Fire Diva's FaceBook Fan Page...Loads of beautiful beads!

Have a great Saturday!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Never enough time...

I had all these plans for today....make beads, make beads, and make more beads....what did i do today....???

Took the grand-baby to school, renewed my drivers licence for the second time in 60 days!  Uughh!   I can't believe the State lost the information.  Took care of some financial matters, worked on a friends computer , picked up the grandbaby from school, did homework with the grand-baby, cooked for the husband, and then just plopped on the couch.....

How many beads did I make??? Nada...None...Zero..  How many do I need????  A ton!

So I'll try again tomorrow.....

But I accomplished some really important things today.... I did something good for a friend ( one I've had over 30 years.  We went to high school together)..spent time with one of my grand children. I love them all, although I wish the others lived in Michigan.... Met with my financial planner.  I've been putting him off for weeks. And did something nice for the hubby.  He's really good to me.  I get to spend all my money on tools and supplies. Since I stopped working in corporate America he takes care of all the bills and I don't even think about them anymore.  He's my personal "Allstate"..you know the slogan...you're in good hands with Allstate!  I'm in good hands with Ronnie!

I've been working on my metal and resin work so I don't have any new beads to show,  Hopefully tomorrow I'll make some I'm happy with and have some for viewing on Wednesday....But....here are some goodies from the Fire Divas.....  .This was written on Handmade Spark's site... check it out


Have a great Monday evening, I'll check back on  Wednesday with pictures...


Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm off my break...

The last few days have been really hectic!  I just mailed almost 50 pieces of jewelry to St. Joseph, Michigan to the Krasl Hollywood show, put almost 50 pieces to a new gallery  I just joined called State of Mind Art Gallery, sent another 40 pieces to the Great Lakes Artisan Village  and of course I've got over 60 pieces in Lawrence Street Gallery!  I can finally breathe! But so much still to do.... Must get some beads on Etsy, and add jewelry to the new jewelry site, and....I have to make stuff for the One of A Kind show in Chicago in the next 3 weeks. Yikes! And in all of this I found time to try out some new work!

I'm learning how to paint. Me... I can't even draw a straight line, but I'm painting faces.  So why am I doing this?  I'm adding them  to my collage work. Tired of borrowing images to put under resin. I want to create all of it now.  My first two attempts are not bad, but still need work.   The first image is my first attempt, the second my revised version.  My instructor has given me some tips that I'll probably apply tomorrow and then  I'll post the  next revision.  But I'm fairly pleased. So that's why no beads have been made...but tomorrow I'm on the torch. For Real :)

So to satisfy those of you who want to see beads, here are some of my favorites from the Fire Divas! and the blog I write on Saturdays.... Enjoy!

Last week I told you my favorite color is purple and took you to  a number of fabulous beads made by some of the Fire Divas.  Today we're looking at another color. Not only is my second favorite color, its also the second favorite color next to blue of most people! It's seen as tranquil and refreshing, soothes us, relaxes us mentally as well as physically, alleviates depression, nervousness and anxiety, and offers a sense of renewal, self control and harmony. That's a mouthful. The color! You got it GREEN!  Check these out:

Beatle Baby Glass Works

Dorset Hill Beads   

Holly's Folly Glass   
Susan Lambert
Silver River's Glass Works
Spawn of Glass
Vedas Beads
Icarus Beads
Ashlyn Designs
A Houston
L .A . Jewelry Designs
What's your favorite color?

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