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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Shop with the Fire Divas

Shopping....  I love it.  I could shop everyday...all day. But don't you just hate the long lines, and all that comes with mall shopping? Especially this time of year. My idea of a great shopping experience?  No long lines, a large selection to choose from, shopping at my convenience 24/7, no traffic congestion, and best yet, shopping from the comfort of my home, wrapped in a Snuggie with hot cider and donuts nearby. Mmmmmm...  All this is possible with the Fire Divas! Grab your computer, search for your favorite item, order it, and have it delivered to your door step hassle free! Here's a link to the different Sales and Promotions.  Happy shopping!

Susan Lambert
Ashlyn Designs    
A. Houston
Icarus Beads 
Hollys Folly Glass
Crafty Clare
Lara Lutrick
Janel Dudley Beads
LA Jewelry Designs


  1. I am soooo in LOVE <3 with these shops! I can not wait to shop really soon!!! Please visit my shop too at http://kottagekreations.etsy.com and http://kottagekreations.artfire.com See you all real soon, I promise!

  2. That's a wonderful selection Kathleen! Oh, I really really love Susan's bracelet - fabulous!
    Thanks for including my beads :)


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