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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fantasy Shopping Saturday! It's Diva Time!

Today is going to be really interesting! I'm working part of the day at the Maker's Faire Booth at the Henry Ford Village in Dearborn, Michigan as part of the Etsy Team.  The Maker's Faire is the premier event for grassroots American innovation celebrating artists, inventors and do-it-yourselfers . It's the world's largest DIY festival, covers 2 whole days, family friendly, and has something for everyone!...It's the best place to see the creativity, resourcefulness, inventions, and finished products of the "Maker". But you have access to something very special right here! An online group of ladies who also have the "Lampwork Maker" mindset. The Fire Divas... and you never have to leave your "comfy" chair and PC. Each of these ladies exhibit their own unique creativity, and innovative techniques in glass! Check 'em out! And if you see something you like... click on that buy button! ...and then become a "Maker" with our beads!  Happy shopping!

Kitty Lampwork
Beth Knapp Tyner
Ashlyn Design
Aloha Bead
Juls Beads
Holly's Folly Glass
Sun Door Beads
Spawn of Flame
Silver River Glass Works
River's Edge Glass
Bab's BeadsandDesigns
Amy SimsDesigns
Ugly Duckling Beads
Right Turn Art Werks

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Finding My "Lost Lemonade"!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fire Divas July Monthly Challenge

It's that time Again! The Fire Divas Monthly Themed Challenge! For the month of July the theme of this challenge is "Tidal Pools". The entries must have something to do with the ocean and it's changing tides. Look below to see these beautiful catches!

Please vote for your favorite entry and leave a comment to be entered to win a special prize from one of the Divas! Click here to vote!

***You can find the poll to the right and at the top of the page*** 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Sense of This and a Sense of That...

I'm having a problem sleeping these days... pretty stressed making sure I have enough stock for my next 3 shows which are back to back,  starting with The Ann Arbor Summer Art Fair  which begins on July 20th!   So to relax and get ready for bed I decided to do an Etsy Treasury.    I love doing treasuries and this one was really fun with some great products.  Check it out and let me know your thoughts....

Have a great evening! or rather, Have a great morning!


'A Sense of this and a Sense of That...' by UglyDucklingBeads

Things that make the senses go " oooooohhhhhhh" "Aaaaahhhhhhh"...

Navy Lady Flower Bi...

Wide Awake Coffee S...

Wonderment archiva...

The Birth Of Flora-...

On the Brink of Som...

Painting on silk.St...

Mermaid Jumbo Tall ...

Jane Austen sparkli...

Moon-Unit Oxidized ...

Comfort from Faith....

Upcycled Sweater - ...

Stone spiral note c...

Cuddly Minky PEACOC...

Violet And Her Bird...

0372- JACQUE SHOE-A...

Sense of Entitlemen...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Little "Diva" Shopping!

 It's July! Yippee!

July is one of my favorite months. Not just because it's my birthday month, but it's also in my opinion, the epitome of summer..., my garden is "lush" and in  full bloom, my neighbors and I spend time drinking frozen lemonade and sharing "grilled" treats. But July is special in another way as well. It's also the beginning of all my best fine art fairs, all the way through Labor Day! I'll be in full jewelry production mode!  Yippee!

Don't get me wrong...as a Lampworker, I love making beads, but what I love more??--- putting my beads into a  lush-and-fabulous one of a kind work of art. It's the pushing the envelope for that "big bang", for the "atta-girl" or " you rocked that boat!" compliment that drives my creative juices.  So today, instead of focusing on just beads....we're oogling beads and  jewelry from the Fire Divas Etsy and Artfire Shops!  And then???  Shop our beads, make it yours, and then produce your own "you rocked that boat" masterpiece!

"Ruby Berry Flame" Focal Beads by Uvanomos
"Tile Beads" by Kitty Lampwork
"Blue Bird" Pendant by Beth Knapp Tyner
"Green and White" Bead Pair by Spawn Of Flame
"Rip Tide" Organic Big Hole Beads by JulsBeads
Big Hole "Zebra Pink" Pendant by Hollys Folly Glass
"Tropical Punch" Necklace by FenG
"Roses on Turquoise" Bead by Aloha Bead
"Cherry Blossom" Necklace by Abbielyn
"Shiny Duo" Big Hole Beads by Lutrick
"Coastline" Focal by Rivers Edge Glass
"Welcome To The Jungle" set by Silver River Glass Work
"Tatoo Circus" by Right Turn Art Werks
"Kissing Ball" Pendant by Michelle Viezaga
"Spree" Pair by GiaPet
"Miditerranean" Pendant by Babs Beads and Design

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