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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fantasy Shopping Saturday! It's Diva Time!

Today is going to be really interesting! I'm working part of the day at the Maker's Faire Booth at the Henry Ford Village in Dearborn, Michigan as part of the Etsy Team.  The Maker's Faire is the premier event for grassroots American innovation celebrating artists, inventors and do-it-yourselfers . It's the world's largest DIY festival, covers 2 whole days, family friendly, and has something for everyone!...It's the best place to see the creativity, resourcefulness, inventions, and finished products of the "Maker". But you have access to something very special right here! An online group of ladies who also have the "Lampwork Maker" mindset. The Fire Divas... and you never have to leave your "comfy" chair and PC. Each of these ladies exhibit their own unique creativity, and innovative techniques in glass! Check 'em out! And if you see something you like... click on that buy button! ...and then become a "Maker" with our beads!  Happy shopping!

Kitty Lampwork
Beth Knapp Tyner
Ashlyn Design
Aloha Bead
Juls Beads
Holly's Folly Glass
Sun Door Beads
Spawn of Flame
Silver River Glass Works
River's Edge Glass
Bab's BeadsandDesigns
Amy SimsDesigns
Ugly Duckling Beads
Right Turn Art Werks

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