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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Promotional Frenzy Special Sale Ending!

MEGA-PromoFrenzy-Special August 1- 31, 2011

Don't miss out on the  largest online sale ever!  Until  August 31, 2011- over 55 shops who are members of the Promotional Frenzy Team have lowered their prices for YOU! So grab a coffee or your drink of choice, get settled in a comfy chair, adjust your laptop for easy viewing and shop until you drop!

 This week I'm featuring 9 more shops! Check them out and enjoy!

Browse over 55 shops for this special sales event!  You can view the individual shops here: MEGA-PromoFrenzy -Special

See individual shops for specific dates, discounts, and discount codes.

Sunny Crystals
Bloom and Bling
Lost Lemonade

Symbolic Imports
Bounty of Beads

Painted Memories by Ros

Ugly Duckling Beads ( A bit of shameless self-promotion) ;-)

Crimson Hill

Turtle Xlll

Sterling Silver Price Market

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