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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Promotional Frenzy Special Sale Ending!

MEGA-PromoFrenzy-Special August 1- 31, 2011

Don't miss out on the  largest online sale ever!  Until  August 31, 2011- over 55 shops who are members of the Promotional Frenzy Team have lowered their prices for YOU! So grab a coffee or your drink of choice, get settled in a comfy chair, adjust your laptop for easy viewing and shop until you drop!

 This week I'm featuring 9 more shops! Check them out and enjoy!

Browse over 55 shops for this special sales event!  You can view the individual shops here: MEGA-PromoFrenzy -Special

See individual shops for specific dates, discounts, and discount codes.

Sunny Crystals
Bloom and Bling
Lost Lemonade

Symbolic Imports
Bounty of Beads

Painted Memories by Ros

Ugly Duckling Beads ( A bit of shameless self-promotion) ;-)

Crimson Hill

Turtle Xlll


  1. You know what? There are some good item photographers here.

  2. Hope there are some last minute sales in these wonderful shops!

  3. Thanks for featuring my scrubs! It was a fun team sale and I hope we do it again sometime!

  4. It's been a rather good month! looking forward to our next team event!


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