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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fire Divas Beads Of Courage Auction

The Fire Divas believe strongly in giving back whenever they can, and here is a collection of gorgeous handmade lampwork beads that the talented artists of The Fire Divas team have contributed to in honor of the Beads Of Courage program. All of the proceeds from this eBay auction HERE will go directly to Beads Of Courage and make it possible for the brave boys and girls battling cancer throughout the United States to enjoy the amazing outreach and cancer support that this wonderful program provides. Not only will you be helping to put a smile on their faces, but you will receive 19 handmade Collector beads that you will cherish for a lifetime!!!

The beads shown were donated by 13 different Fire Diva artisans, who also created a similar set that will be sent directly to Beads of Courage for the children to choose from and enjoy. This is your unique opportunity to pitch in and lend a helping hand to this amazing organization too! 

Clockwise from top—Tribal heads: Barb (riversedgeglass); Yellow round: Sonja (SilverRiverGlassWorks); Magic Mice: Lori (ashlyndesign); Multicolor round: Judith (icarusbeads); Blue organic: Rosemarie (spawnofflame);  Shuttle: Lara (Lutrick); Blue nugget: Patrice (Shepherdcreations); Yellow car: Karen (giapet); Blue/brown organic: Susan (susanlambert); Critters: Sharon (rightturnartwerks); Blue cubes: Kathleen (uglyducklingbeads); Cupcake: Holly (HollysFollyGlass); Green inchworms: Abigail (abbielyn)

The beads you will be getting include:
* Lovely free-form organics 

* A pair of Disney inspired "Magical Mouse" ears
* A sporty roadster car 
* A Space Shuttle with monkey (a similar bead from the same artist went up on the last Shuttle!) 

* Fun and festive graphic designs 
* A sweet chocolate cupcake (calorie free, of course)
* Happy "critter" face beads 
* And the cutest pair of tiny green inchworms!

In addition to this special auction event, we would like to offer another opportunity to our customers and fans: for everyone who places a bid (whether you win or not), or donates directly during the auction week to Beads of Courage via their website, please leave a comment here after this post and let us know. You will be entered to win some great prizes from more of the Fire Diva members, chosen by a random drawing. How cool is that?! (more photos coming soon!)

Please help us spread the word about our first Annual Beads of Courage Auction and don't forget that the bidding will end on Wednesday, June 1st at 6 pm PST. Thank you so much for your support! *Ü*

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fantasy Shopping Saturday with the Fire Divas

OK.... What happened to "Spring"? I'm not complaining...I'm really thankful for dry pavements, bright sunshine, and no snow!  It's  just I don't remember seeing "Spring".  Almost all the trees are in full bloom. The crab apple tree has flowered, and the petals have fallen, leaving the pavement a really pretty pink.   Somehow, I never saw the flowers on the tree itself.  The grass is a "lushy" green and the only remnant of what should be Spring? ------ my flowers that generally bloom this time of year.   And although I appreciate the weather that we're having... I still want to experience Spring. I know, no better place to feel the gentle warmth of a Spring sun,  the soft colors of early blooming flowers, or the gentle breeze of the early morning, than a trip to the Fire Divas Etsy and Artfire Shops.  Join me,... just in case you missed Spring too! ;-)

RightTurnArtWerks ~ Sharon Driscoll
Shepherd Creations ~ Patrice Shepherd
Uvanomos ~ Lluvia Brito
SunDoorBeads ~ Michelle Viezaga
Susan Lambert
SpawnOfFlame ~ Rosmarie Hanus
Lutrick ~ Lara Lutrick
IcarusBeads ~ Judith Billig
SilverRiverGlasswork ~ Sonja McClung
FenG ~ Christina Stofmeel
RiversEdgeGlass ~ Barb Reed
AshlynDesign ~ Lori Bergmann
AbbieLyn ~ Abigail Castagnaro
Giapet ~ Karen Klomparens
HollysFollyGlass ~ Holly Dare
BabsBeadsandDesignArtisanStudio ~ Susanne Folin
Amy Sims Designs

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fantasy Shopping Saturday with the Fire Divas

Tomorrow is probably my favorite day of the year.  A chance to show my mother how important she is to me and... a chance for my children to do the same.  It's the one day of the year, that expressly belongs to those who have given birth, inherited, or adopted children.  It belongs to those who love unconditionally, and would give the ultimate sacrifice. And it belongs to a group that goes unnoticed.  Those who have not given birth, but have loved, sacrificed and given a "Mother's Love" to a rescued puppy or kitten, cared for the sick and the shut in, and those that need a wink, a hug, or a simple smile.  To all of you, I wish you the best Mothers Day ever!  And my gift to you is this "Visual Card" from the Fire Divas!

What is a Mother?
AbieLyn ~ Abigail Castagnaro
 She's someone who shares...
Uvanomos~Lluvia Brito
 In all of your problems,
AshlynDesign~ Lori Bergmann
Your joys and your cares.
FenG~ Christina Stofmeel
Someone who gives you...
Giapet~ Karen Klomparens
        Right from the start...
Holly'sFollyGlass~Holly Dare

The warmth and the loves...
IcarusBeads~ Judith Billig
 Of her motherly heart.
Lutrick~Lara Lutrick
     Someone who's loyal,
RiversEdgeGlass~ Barb Reed
And helpful and dear,
 And seems to grow more so...
SpawnofFlame~Rosemarie Hanu
  As year follows year.
          Life is much brighter...
Rightturnartwerks~ Sharon Driscoll
            And happier, too.
Susan Lambert
       Because there are Mothers
UglyDucklingBeads~Kathleen Robinson Young
              Mothers like you.
Amy Sims Designs
     by J. Kyler McManus
ShepherdCreations~ Patrice Shepherd

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