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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Shopping with the Fire Divas!

Be sure to check out these Lampworkers!

It's almost Christmas, and I'm thinking about how much I still have to do! Presents to wrap, groceries to buy, and the thing I never seem to finish...cleaning house. The one thing I'm definitely looking forward to ...completing the ornaments I'm making for our tree using Lampwork beads!   I found these beauties on different Fire Divas' Etsy sites...each of them would make a wonderful ornament!  So get comfortable, order, and make those ornaments!  You can find more Fire Diva's beads here.   Happy Shopping!

Holly's Folly Glass
Judith Beads
LA Jewelry Designs
Janel Dudley Beads

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday...Working on Next Year Already!

So , I finally feel rested from my trip to Chicago for the One of a Kind show at the Merchandise Mart. There are a lot of things that I'm going to change for next year.  It's a ritual for me to take stock of what happened, where I succeeded and, where can I improve. My friend Denise Latten has been a great help to me in this area.  She keeps me focused and not afraid to do hard work.

The biggest challenge is in the "improvements" area and bullet number 1... Stay in touch with my customers!  I love my customers...they inspire me, encourage me, and push me to new limits... but I'm terrible about staying in front of them, letting them know about new products,  current events, and lifting them up... I have some ideas that I'll be working on, but would love to hear some of your ideas how you stay in front of your customer, or if you're a customer, what are the things you want to know , and how often.....???

This trip I ventured out of my booth more and met some wonderful artists! I'm definitely going to stay in touch with them! Once I'm all organized I'll post pictures and links to some of their work.

Received great news today! Ro Lambert, owner of  "State of Mind " Gallery in Northville, Michigan called to tell me I sold one of my newer/major necklaces!  Yaaaay!  Just what I needed to start the day... Of course , its' already spent...going to Utrects today for paints, and brushes...wooo, hooo!


2011 is shaping up! I'm already comitted to teach in February in Tuscon (4 classes),  in Santa Fe (March, 1 class), in Philly (April, 2 classes), and Philly in August (1 class).  I love when I can go to the East coast, it give me a chance to see 3 of my sisters, and 2 brothers, and a host of nieces and nephews!  More info and pictures when I figure it all out....

Enough for today, I just have to finish cleaning my work area... Many beads to make and I can't find anything!

Here's to you having a great Saturday!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Headed Home!

Well, we finished the One of a Kind with a great showing.  Had a chance to see old friends, and met some really cool new ones!  We're on the road in the morning to go home....Can't wait to sleep in my own bed.

News from the Fire Divas

I don't know about you, but I always wonder if I've chosen a gift that someone will really like and not want to re-gift. I'm gratified when my gifts are thought to be useful, are treasured, and count this one as a bonus..., bring back fond memories of the occasion! Gifting items that include lampwork beads help to ensure I can please the recipient of my gifts.  I've made "helpful" fan pulls for an arthritic aunt, a cherished "Mothers Day" necklace for my mother,  and "really cool with a kick" bracelets for my budding " fashion-ista" granddaughters, ( their description).   What impressionable gifts might you make with these Fire Diva Lampwork beads????  Happy Shopping!

Lara Lutrick
Amy Sims Designs
Holly's Folly Glass
Silver River Glass
Tease Beads
L.A. Jewelry Designs
Shepherd Creations
River's Edge Glass
Glass Art by Melanie
Spawn of Flame
Ashlyn Designs

Sterling Silver Price Market

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