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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fantasy Shopping with the Divas

Look what I found on the different sites of the Fire Divas!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fantasy Shopping Saturday

It’s cold here, 28oF to be exact, and I’m longing for a white sandy beach, warm sunshine (sun protection of course), and lots of blue water. Throw in a Mimosa, and I’m good to go!  I want to see the colors of summer…, dark luscious greens, electric yellows, strong whites, hot pinks and neon oranges, with a twist of spring green.  And I know just the place to bask in those exact colors. I’m going straight to the Fire Divas! By the way, don’t forget to vote in this month’s Bead Challenge.

L. A. Jewelry Designs
Silver Rivers Glass
Spawn of Flame
Holly's Folly Glass
Ashlyn Desings
Tease Beads
Shepherd Creations
Babs Beads and Designs
Judith Beads
May Beads

Friday, January 14, 2011

Fire Divas Bead Challenge

Valentines Day is almost here! Let's see what the incredibly talented Divas came up with for their True Love Challenge this month. After you fall in love with your favorite, don't forget to vote on the right side of the Fire Diva's blog!

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

Entry 5

Thanks for voting! Results will be posted in one week!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fire Divas Do It Again!

Looking for something to challenge your creativity???  Check out the Fire Divas Quarterly Jewelry Challenge! Check out all the details and then enter! Win really cool prizes and a chance to show off your best work!

February is a time for romance and love. It's also the time to get your jewelry into our Fire Divas Quarterly Jewelry Challenge! The theme is That Special Bead. It is entirely open to your own interpretation and we hope you have fun with it! For some inspiration, head over to our Flickr page. You can win some fantastic prizes; see them below!

Winged heart bead like this one by Lori from http://www.ashlyndesign.etsy.com/

$20 Gift Certificate to janeldudleybeads.etsy.com

$40 Gift Certificate to hollysfolly.com

$15 Gift Certificate to teasebeads.com or teasebeads.artfire.com

A bead donated by Lara from www.lutrick.etsy.com and www.lutrick.artfire.com

A fish like this one by Laurie from www.glassbead.etsy.com

$20 Gift Certificate to www.etsy.com/shop/uglyducklingbeads

This set of beads from RiversEdgeGlass

Now the boring stuff:

All submissions must feature Fire Divas' lampwork. We require the name of the Fire Diva who made the beads used in the submitted piece, so if you submit something, please be ready to provide that information.

We will allow one submission per person per contest, and a maximum of two photos per submission. Entries may be submitted here (http://www.flickr.com/groups/firedivachallenge/) for approval, no later than February 10, 2011. No Flickr account? No problem. You can also email your submissions to firedivas @ gmail . com (no spaces). Please include, in the comments section or in your email, the following:
Information about the beads:
Description of the piece:
Inspiration for the piece:
Submissions will not be approved without all of this information.

Fire Divas reserve the right to approve or reject any submissions.

Fire Divas reserve the right to modify or cancel the challenge at any time.

The winners will be determined by an open poll which does not allow multiple votes

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Flow - " Women in Glass 2011"

Women in Glass Issue

Now that my feet are finally touching the ground  and the issue has hit the newsstand, I guess I can spill my good news!  I made it into the "Women in Glass" issue of  The Flow magazine! Wooo Hooo! It's really cool to be in this issue with so many talented women.  Better yet... 5 of the Fire Divas made it in, 2 of my bestest buddies, and several of my buddies from the SE Michigan Glass Beadmakers guild.   And it was a juried venture.  You had to pass a panel to get in!  Double Yeaaaah!  You go ladies!!  I can't show pictures of their work  in the magazine here...you'll have to get the magazine for that, but here are samples of their work!

The beads above are by Judith Billig of Icarus Beads. She does a really fabulous job with her beads. I'm always amazed what she can do with Silver glass. Judith is one of the Fire Divas...

This fabulous floral was made by Holly Dare Hughs of Hollys Folly Glass is also a Fire Diva.  Not only does she do great florals but you have to checkout her food beads!  They're pretty scrumptious, hope I don't gain any weight...

 Don't you just love the colors in these!  They're made by Janel Dudley of Janel Dudley Beads.  I love how she mixes her colors and her encasement glass has no bubbles!  Janel is a Fire Diva too....

This unbelievable focal was done by Lori Bergmann of Ashlyn Designs. I couldn't believe how much Lori has done as it relates to art...You have to check out her profile on her Etsy site to see.  Talk about a wealth of experience!  Lori is a Fire Diva and was my buddy during the Etsy boot camp...

And of course there is me!  You can see more of my beads here.  One of my resolutions was to make more beads and keep them listed.  Major challenge for me.  But I'm working on it!  But wait there's more!  Keep reading....
The next 2 artists are buddies that I travel to different bead shows with.  For the first time we are going to Tucson.  Real scary, but pretty exciting too! Both Joy and I are teaching ...but that's for another post ...right now  I want to show some of their work...
Joy spends most of her time making these really realistic animal heads...I'd love to show one, but have to get the magazine to see what...The extra bonus....she has a tutorial in The Flow showing how to make one of her animal heads.  Really clear instruction....I've never tried to make one, but I know she's a fabulous teacher...maybe one day???? Her business site is Works of Joy..

 My other traveling buddy is Denise of Fire Dance Lampwork.   Denise is a whiz at electroforming and vessles.  Be sure to check out her work!

Congratulations to all the women who made it into the years Women in Glass!

Next time I'll update you on classes Joy and I are teaching at the Best Bead Show in Tucson!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shopping with the Fire Divas

Happy New Year!  We've said good bye to 2010, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Today is the first day of the rest of this year! 2011! Whether you've made one resolution or several, the key to accomplishing them is commitment and accountability. My resolution is to push my limits, get out of the box, and make more lampwork beads! There I've said it out loud and now I'm accountable. How will I do it? Drooling over the Fire Divas lampwork beads! They inspire, motivate, and make me want to push the limits of my creativity.  Don't take my word for it, check them out yourself...   What's your resolution for 2011???

Glass Bead

Judith Beads

Icarus Beads

Tease Beads
May Beads
Holly Folly's Glass
Ema Kaye
Janel Dudley Beads
Spawn of Flame
Ashlyn Designs

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