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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Quicker Way

I'm always looking for a quicker way to do things.  But it's important that in doing so,...doing it quicker of course, that quality is not compromised.   I tend to pride myself on making tight gallery wraps, when making finished jewelry. I like to think of myself as a perfectionist...the DH calls me anal, with a capital A.  I don't want any part of the wire sticking out to catch on a favorite sweater, or to grab a strand of hair  (ouch!).  I'd rank the one below as a 6 on a scale of 1-10.  We'll blame the 6 on the fact that I was rushing to take this pic.  ;-)

So I was soooo pleased when just cruising the web I found the ultimate pendant maker.
Check these  out.... 

The loops on the left glue in to the top of your bead.  The loops on the right glue in to the bottom of your bead. These are made specifically for the  Pandora style large hole beads that lampworkers make (that of course, would be me!)This is what the finished product looks like after both pieces have been glued in.  It's recommended to use a 2  part epoxy.

Waaaay Cool! Imagine how quickly you can put a pendant together!  All you need is a fabulous bead, the top pendant loop, the bottom bead, some 5 minute epoxy...... and voila!  Instant pendant!!

On Monday, November 21, I'll have some of these in both colors in my shop.
There's a discount if you find this box in one of my listings! (Hint: check out the lampwork bead section   )

 The Discount Coupon Code is in that listing. Use it at checkout, and the discount will be automatically calculated.

And don't forget to check out my teamies on the PromoFrenzyTeam. Each of these fabulous artists is offering a special discount in their shops as well .   Shhhhhhh,,,,,,You didn't hear it from me...
 but  you'll find hints to find their coupon codes in their listings too! So stop by all their shops to see all the goodies and fabulous sales you can take advantage of!

1. Trinkets N Whatnots - www.galla15.etsy.com
Handmade Button, Crystal and Pearl Jewelry

2. Sewinggranny - www.etsy.com/shop/sewinggranny
Sewn items - baby, kitchen, home decor, holiday

3. CalliopeAZCreations - www.calliopeazcreations.etsy.com
Handmade Jewelry, Medicine Stones, Decorated Feathers

4. jQ jewelry designs - www.jQjewelrydesigns.etsy.com
Gemstone Jewelry that is Classic ... with an Edge

5. KrystalsJewelry - www.krystalsjewelry.etsy.com
Intricate Handmade Jewelry of all styles for all tastes

6. rooee - www.rooee.etsy.com
Quilts & quilted things, cloth dolls, fabric postcards

7. PaintedMemoriesByRos.etsy.com
Fine Art Note Cards and Prints

8. Peelirohini.etsy.com
Colorful and Unique Sterling silver , Gold fill Jewelry with Genuine Gemstones and/or Polymer Clay

9. www.etsy.com/shop/SunnyCrystals
Crystal Tumblestones, Natural Gemtone Jewellery & Decoupage Cards plus a bit of Vintage Jewellery

10. Symbolic Imports - www.SymbolicImports.etsy.com
Handmade Bath & Body - Lip balms, Sugar Scrubs, Handmade Soaps, Perfumes & more!

11. Beautifulswagstore - www.etsy.com/shop/beautifulswagstore
hair accessories, dog toys, baby gift sets, home decor, gift wrapping

12. Bijibijoux- www.etsy.com/shop/bijibijoux
Handmade jewelry/ beads/ supplies -

13. Newcreationz - www.etsy.com/shop/NewCreatioNZ
Fine art and photography craft

14. BountyOfBeads - www.etsy.com/shop/bountyofbeads
Handmade Bead Dangle Drop Charm Sets and Trinity Brass Findings
Jewelry Making Supplies

15. Fair Lady Boutique - www.etsy.com/shop/fairladyboutique
A Beading Boutique with vintage beads + components, Czech glass, gemstones, and custom made bead mixes

16. HollysFollyGlass - www.etsy.com/shop/HollysFollyGlass
Fine and fun Lampwork Glass Beads by artist Holly Dare.

17. Glitterbird Glass - www.etsy.com/shop/GlitterbirdGlass
Home decor and jewelry made from beautiful fused glass.

18. CrochetedbyCharlene - www.etsy.com/shop/CrochetedbyCharlene
Beautiful crocheted afghans, accessories, and much more.

19. Camillescloset- www.etsy.com/shop/Camillescloset
Handmade jewelery items.

20. Prittify - www.etsy.com/shop/Prittyfy
Handmade Jewelry, Modern, Altered Art, Steampunk

21. Crystalphotography - www.etsy.com/shop/crystalphotography
Fine Art Photography Prints and Greeting Cards

22. iaFlowerPower - www.etsy.com/shop/iaFlowerPower
Whimsical Crocheted and Knitted Baby Hats and more

23. Gabby's Quilts - www.etsy.com/shop/GabbysQuilts
Handcrafted Quilts, Tablerunners, Wallhangings and Embroidered Gifts

24. CNJ Ceramics - www.etsy.com/shop/CNJCeramics
Contemporary Clay Jewelry and Home Decor

25. LostLemonade - www.etsy.com/shop/LostLemonade
Body Care Products made to cleanse, moisturize and soothe

26. RomanticThoughts - RomanticThoughts.etsy.com
Handcrafted Jewelry, PreMade Scrapbook Pages, Vintage Items and More

27. Ooh Leela! - isabelafelix.etsy.com
Handmade dish towels and trendy accessories

28. KatersAcres - katersacres.etsy.com
Polymer Clay Creations, Trinkets, & Treasures with a Whimsical Feel

29. Magda - magdamagdaFashion.etsy.com
custom clothing, accessories and supplies

30. Ugly Duckling Beads - www.etsy.com/shop/uglyducklingbeads
Handmade glass beads, digital collage sheets, tutorials, and jewelry

31. BellaTheBead - www.bellathebead.etsy.com
Handcrafted jewelry and supplies with vintage soul

32.IdeasBloom - www.ideasbloom.etsy.com
Handcrafted decorative wreaths

33. Greenhouse Glassworks - www.greenhouseglassworks.etsy.com
Fused Glass Jewelry, Stained Glass Home Decor, and Handmade Cards and Tags

34. Five Supplies - Five0101.etsy.com
All the supplies you need to create

35. TheMayFlower Fashions - themayflower.etsy.com
Fun & Stylish Fashion Designs for Women

36. Something Wyrd- www.SomethingWyrd.Etsy.com
Handcrafted jewelry and beaded charms

37. iluvmarin - iluvmarin.etsy.com
Greeting cards, scrapbooks, cupcake toppers, & festive banners

38. Lexilouflowers - www.etsy.com/shop/LexiLouFlowers?ref=si_shop
Hair Accessories, Feather headbands, and Hair ties

39. Mt Baldy Glassworks www.mtbaldyglass.etsy.com
fused glass jewelry and home decore

40. LexiekinPrints - www.etsy.com/shop/LexiekinPrints
Personalized, customized and Printable Invitations, tags, cards and more!

41. Turtlexiii- www.turtlexiii.etsy.com
Sterling Silver Jewelry with Swarovski Crystals and Pearls, Gemstones & more.

42. IsabellesAttic- www.isabellesattic.etsy.com
aprons, accessories, baby items and more

43. AshlynDesign - www.ashlyndesign.etsy.com
Artisan handmade lampwork beads, metal charms, and finished jewelry

44. eveyinorbitshop - www.eveyinorbitshop.etsy.com
Mixed media art, original aceo and zines.

45. Suzie Tenzer - www.susietenzer.etsy.com
Original fine art paintings and prints

46. LindaB - www.lindab142.etsy.com
Artisan crafted beaded and wire wrapped jewelry, Jewish jewelry and accessories, wire beaded kippot

47. DellCoveSpices - dellcovespices.etsy.com
hand mixed spices, magnetic spice kits, cocktail sugars & margarita salts, organic popcorn, popcorn toppings & other treats

48. OverTheMoonGifts - overthemoongifts.etsy.com
personalized gifts, accessories, and home decor

49. craftycreations81 - www.etsy.com/shop/craftycreations81
Peacock feather items, wedding items and items for newborns/children

50. nan gates designs - www.nangatesdesigns.etsy.com
Fabric handbags, totes and accessories

51. ProdigyCrafts - www.prodigycrafts.etsy.com
Crocheted Clothing, Accessories and Gifts

52. Cigarboxbeads - www.cigarboxbeads.etsy.com
beadweaving, beadwork, jewelry

53. VintageByRachel - www.vintagebyrachel.etsy.com
Romantic,Vintage style handmade jewelry

54. potsdamelf - www.potsdamelf.etsy.com
crazy handmade ceramics, paintings, and jewlery

55. TrinketsByLeah - TrinketsByLeah.etsy.com
Hand sculpted whimsical Jewelry, wacky trinkets, miniatures and more

56. Woodgrain Designs - WoodgrainDesigns.etsy.com
Rustic Wood Furniture and Shabby Chic Decor



  1. Nice information. I may have to try my hand and buy a kit from you. Thanks for the new resource!

  2. Thanks for the feature. Great quick way to do jewerly too!

  3. Great info. I always use my crimp tool to smooth out the ends of my wraps! ;-)

  4. I am fascinated with jewelry making! Seems so fabulous - something I'd like to learn a few things about ...one day...

  5. I didn't know about those new jewelry findings. Cool. Thanks for mentioning the team promo. Go Promo Frenzy!

  6. I hate sloppy wraps and ends poking out! These would be great...as long as the glue holds. LOL

  7. wow, interesting, I wonder though, how heavy can you make the beaded item, or is it guaranteed NOT to break?

  8. Oh, what a great find! Thanks for sharing.


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