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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fire Diva Friday

So I've figured out what I want to do for Fridays.... it's now Fire Diva Friday! Two days have been decided Tuesdays and Fridays...only 5 to determine what they'll focus on and their name... so in the "theme" of things.. here's the latest

The Fire Divas wish to show our heartfelt thanks to you, our customer, for your continued patronage and enthusiastic support of us. Many of you have become our good friends ;-). It is customers like you who are largely responsible for making us the best that we can be. The consistent feedback and support we get from you has helped us scale new heights in improving the quality of our products.

But we don't want to just talk about our appreciation—we want to show you in a more concrete way! Beginning this Friday, March 25 - April 2, 2011, we're having a Special Customer Appreciation Week—just for you! You will find sales ranging from 15 to 20% off our normal prices, and other special offers. The list of participating Fire Divas can be found below with specific coupon codes and sale details for either their Etsy and/or Artfire shops.

Ashlyn Design ~ 15% off Lori's ArtFire shop and a gift with every purchase. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS. **Please note that Lori's shop will be on "vacation mode" on April 2nd, so she will have to end her personal sale on Friday, April 1st. All other team members will have their items on sale through April 2nd.

Holly's Folly Glass ~ 15% off her Etsy shop and 20% off her website. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS

SusanLambert ~ Specially marked spacer bead sets for $10 including shipping in her Etsy shop.

Lutrick ~ 20% off Lara's Etsy and ArtFire shops. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS

Icarus Beads ~ 20% off Judith's Etsy shop. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS

Ema K Designs ~ 20% off her Etsy and ArtFire shops.

Spawn of Flame ~ 15% off Rosemarie's Etsy and ArtFire shops. Coupon Code DIVATHANKSSPRING11

Fire and Sand ~ 20% off Karen's Etsy and ArtFire shops. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS

Sun Door Beads ~ 20% off Michelle's Etsy and ArtFire shops. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS

Ugly Duckling Beads ~ 20% off Kathleen's Etsy shop. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS

Rivers Edge Glass ~ 15% off Barb's Etsy and ArtFire shops. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS

Babs Beads and Design ~ 15% off Susanne's ArtFire shop.

Shepherd Creations ~ 20% off Patrice's ArtFire shop. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS

Uvanomos ~ 15% off Lluvia's Etsy shop. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS

Amy Hall ~ Free shipping in her Etsy shop. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKS

Silver River Glass ~ 10% off Sonja's Artfire shop. Coupon Code: DIVATHANKYOU

We're so happy to have served you in the past and will continue to provide you with the best in handmade artisan lampwork beads. We look forward to your continuing support, please keep in touch with us via your "comments" and your "likes" on this page, and don't forget to share us with all your friends! *Ü*

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen: I love reading your blog and checking out your work! I wanted to reach out to you on behalf of Ed Hoy's International. We are looking to feature some innovative jewelry artists in our Hot Jewelry Artists Challenge. We thought you may be interested! Participants earn lots of free publicity for their business/website and also some great prizes. Info on the promotion and how to enter can be found on the Ed Hoy website. http://edhoy.com/What_Hot.html Let me know if you have any questions!


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