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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Designing For Profit

Last week I shared my "love" for Pinterest and things that I've been posting on my "Wish I Said That" Board. It's is still taking an inordinate amount of my time, but I can easily justify doing so, since the theory is that it will improve my visibility, which of course should lead to more sales.  I'm not sure if the numbers tell that particular story, but what I can tell you.....it definitely humors, calls out to  me, and satisfies my need to do something visually.... all in the name of growing my business.

Whoooooaaaaa.... you say...what about Designing for Profit? That's still coming...I just have to share this image from Pinterest first! ;-)

  Whadda you think?! New way to store your dentures or safety measure to keep the wrong fingers out your change purse!? LOL

This one is enough for the day...not sure how I really feel about it... on one hand I just want to stare, and on the other hand, to some degree teeth in a bag repulses me,  I imagine all the lint in the bottom of the bag...uuugggghhhhh, and then the artist in me wants to feign the "artiness" of it all...  The teeth are pretty though.. wouldn't mind a set of those for myself!  As to the "art part"....I'm at a loss..... So I think I'll just keep staring. ;-)
But let's get back to my topic..... it'll be brief, 'cause it's 12:30 in the morning and I'm whipped.. so brief it will be..... ;-)

Perfect as a dangle
Recently I started carrying a line of pewter findings, plated in sterling and gold, to help build my shop and allow me to make jewelry at an affordable price.  I live in Michigan and the economy has changed drastically.  We used to be one of best areas for the arts, but recently it's not always skill, talent, or design that wins the customer, but price. I've been experimenting with these new components, and they've been fairly successful at my shows. I've also been able to keep the cost of class kits at National teaching venues lower, thereby helping to ensure my submissions are accepted.  For the first time, 4 of my submissions were accepted at one show alone... Yippeeeeee!  .2 of them use  a variety of these components.....

 These have been well received with the interest in vintage styles. both fast and easy to make using 5 simple components:

* Ear wires
* Sterling Plated Earring Frame
* Digital Image
* Sterling Plated Locks
* Jump rings
Total assembly time? Less than 5 minutes... of course that's after the digital image was set in resin. That process was pretty quick as well...simply cut your image , drop in the frame, add a few drops of resin.... and you're good to go.  I did have to wait the 24 hours for the resin to cure... but still really quick... I think I did  a dozen pairs in under an hour.....It takes me so much longer when I'm working my glass... and quite a bit more expensive as well.

This is absolutely my new favorite.  It's actually a connector.  The purpose is to connect, or more simply put, bring two things together... I've found them to be great as earring components and cheaper than buying the  actual chandelier earring component...

And the earrings that they were used in....

Assembly time? 10 minutes max. Most of it was spent making sure the length of chain used was equal on both earrings and/or making sure they hung within themselves nicely.

These were perfect to introduce at the wholesale show I was showing in at the Merchandise Mart in Chicago. Quick and easy.  Two vitals for a successful wholesale show....oh and you need customers of course! LOL   Lots of them......

More images....all self explanatory.....

And a simple necklace using a few charms, small beads, and chain links.  Easy Peasy!..... This is not my design...borrowed it from TierraCast...the maker of all  these components.

If I can wrap my head around everything that needs to be done tomorrow..... and the "Powers that Be" find me an extra few hours , the plan is to have some of these on my Etsy  site.....crossing my eyes, toes, fingers, and some unmentionables that it will happen!  I've got about 50 different components that need to finally get listed.....;-)


  1. Love the teeth ! Beautiful new components, good luck finding the time to post :)

  2. I think the teeth are really cool, but I like horror type things so to me it's like some sort of hidden monster :)

    lovely earrings. Good to hear you can make such lovely things in so little time.

  3. nope the teef aren't for me....too close to home. haaaaa
    love all your jewelry bits, it must be so time consuming to list it all. wow.
    btw, love your blog page, so pretty!

  4. im loving the heart padlocks. I have to start making more earrings!!

  5. Those items look neat. As for the teeth - that kind of scares me ;) Although it's one way to keep hands out of your purse! LOL.

  6. Good luck with all your listings!!

  7. I like the teeth... but then, I'm weird! I hate doing mega listings... Good luck with yours!

  8. love the silver pewter findings, very pretty!

  9. I agree with rooee. The teeth aren't for me. But the rest is interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I need those teeth in my wallet....but part of me thinks they are kind of frightening. Good luck using, experimenting, and SELLING your jewelry with it's new look and components.

  11. I am OBSESSED with teeth and I am just starting to figure out pintrest! yay!!

  12. I love a crazy idea- it makes me think out of the box too, it's refreshing in a way! Good luck with your new listings!


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