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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Looking for Treasure!

 I am so excited about  PromoFrenzy's  Treasure Hunt for this month! I expect it to be HUGE fun! You'll find ~ Free gifts, Free shipping, BOGO’s, Coupon Codes, AMAZING deals for holiday shopping! Many of the shops on our team will be putting this picture into ONE listing in their shops:

Here's the FUN part...all you have to do is search through each of their shops and find the  “treasured” item.  This will not be the main picture so you will have to click around :)   Once you find this picture in their shop you will be rewarded with their  special offer.  Easy , Peasy , huh?!?

Here's a taste of what you'll find in the various shops... You can check out more of the team's shops to the left of this post!  Just click on their link and search away!  I'll post more pics in the coming month of other shops!  Have fun....;-) Oh.. and don't forget to look in my shop as well...(here's a hint: you can find it in my bread section)   UglyDucklingBeads Etsy Shop


Lost Lemonade
Sewing Granny

Magdamagda Fashion



  1. thanks for thep promo..i love nana's bag..seriously i do. would make a great purse for my move!

  2. This should be a very fun event! Thanks so much for the feature!

  3. Excited for our team event. Best wishes to all participating!

  4. This is going to be so much fun for those participating!

  5. Ok I think I get the treasure hunt thing now, Im off a hunting, thanks for the explanation

    cute blog too

  6. thank you so much for choosing a pic of my Queen of Hearts necklace! whishing everyone a successful hunt and many sales!

  7. wonderful blog post!

    Happy November Sales!

  8. Great idea.. thanks for featuring my Frosty!!

  9. Hi! Newest follower from promofrenzy...GO TEAM! Hope you follow me back! :-)

  10. uniquecozytreasures- Beautiful items that you've featured. I see my pine cone pillow covers in the sidebar. Thanks so much!

  11. That soap is fantastic! What a great gorup of people to have sales with!


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